./configure --enable-shared --enable-pthread CFLAGS=-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=1但你理解这后面的flag的意思吗?我相信不一定有人能理解,我记下来,总让有心人能有所收获.
RubyCocoa compatibility and --enable-shared
In order to use RubyCocoa, the Ruby interpreter must be compiled with --enable-shared. By default, Ruby Enterprise Edition's interpreter is not compiled with --enable-shared. You can compile the Ruby Enterprise Edition interpreter with this flag by passing -c --enable-shared to its installer, like this:
./ruby-enterprise-X.X.X/installer -c --enable-shared
Please note that enabling --enable-shared will make the Ruby interpreter about 20% slower. It is for this reason that we don't recommend enabling --enable-shared on server environments, although it's fine for desktop environments.
Tcl/Tk compatibility and --enable-pthread
In order to use Tcl/Tk with threading support, the Ruby interpreter must be compiled with --enable-pthread. By default, Ruby Enterprise Edition's interpreter is not compiled with --enable-pthread. You can compile the Ruby Enterprise Edition interpreter with this flag by passing -c --enable-pthread to its installer, like this:
./ruby-enterprise-X.X.X/installer -c --enable-pthread
Please note that enabling --enable-pthread will make the Ruby interpreter about 50% slower. It is for this reason that we don't recommend enabling --enable-shared on server environments, although it's fine for desktop environments.
Glibc 所实现全部或部分规范下的功能有:
1.ISO C: C语言国际标准.
2.POSIX: 操作系统的 ISO/IEC 9945 (aka IEEE 1003) 标准.
3.Berkeley Unix: BSD 和 SunOS.
4.SVID: V 系统接口描述.
5.XPG: The X/Open Portability Guide.
If you define this macro, functionality described in the X/Open Portability Guide is included. This is a superset of the POSIX.1 and POSIX.2 functionality and in fact _POSIX_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE are automatically defined.
As the unification of all Unices, functionality only available in BSD and SVID is also included.
If the macro _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED is also defined, even more functionality is available. The exa functions will make all functions available which are necessary for the X/Open Unix brand.
That's all!